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Please use the "contact" link above to request a current copy of participants in the breeder referral program.


St. Paul - Minneapolis Bulldog Club

         Breeder Referral Program


To participate in the Breeder Referral Program you must be an active SPMBC member in good standing for a minimum period of three years before applying to the breeder referral program.


To be on the Breeder Referral Program you will need to complete this form, sign the Breeder Code of Ethics and return to the club secretary no later than December 31 of the year before you wish to be listed as a breeder.  All applications need to be received by that date so that they can be reviewed and approved by the SPMBC Board Members at the January Board Meeting. You will be notified by the club secretary if your application is not approved.


Please provide information so you can be contacted by potential puppy buyers.  Websites will not be listed on the referral.  You may give them out when you are contacted by potential buyers.


Participant Name:  __________________________________________________________________________________


Kennel Name: ___________________________________________City, State: __________________________________


Phone Number:  ____________________________; E-Mail Address:  __________________________________________





The objective of the Breeder’s Code of Ethics is to protect and advance the interests of the Bulldog breed.  It is written to provide guidelines for responsible ownership and ethical breeding practices, and it is dedicated to the preservation and welfare of the Bulldog. Anyone interested in breeding, and if inexperienced in the breed, should consult with an experienced breeder as a mentor before undertaking any breeding.


General Practice Requirements/Minimum Standards:


  1. A responsible breeder will maintain all dogs in sanitary conditions and provide appropriate immunizations, veterinary care, quality nutrition and proper socialization.

  2. All dogs being bred will be well-tempered, of good health, and have typical structure, conformation and color as set forth in the Bulldog Breed Standard.

  3. To breed only those dogs that conform to the AKC Bulldog Breed Standard and do not have disqualifying faults. Colors and patterns not explicitly mentioned in the Bulldog Breed Standard are not eligible for competition in AKC conformation events and SHOULD NOT BE BRED.

The Bulldog Breed Standard states the following in regard to color:

“Colors are red, white, fawn, fallow, or any combination of the foregoing. Patterns and markings may include brindle, piebald, ticking, black masks, black tipping, and a minimal amount of black in piebalds. All other colors or markings are a disqualification. The merle pattern is a disqualification.” “The nose must be black.


A responsible breeder in this program agrees to observe the following:

  1. To be available to his or her buyers for whatever reasonable advice and assistance the buyer may need.

  2. To  inform buyers to notify the breeder if the buyer is ever unable to care for their Bulldog, so that the breeder can either take the dog back or  assist in placing the dog in a new home.

  3. To assist any rescue that acquires a Bulldog the breeder has sold.

  4. To not use club meetings or events to actively engage in the selling transaction of a puppy.

  5. To refuse to engage in wholesaling litters or individual sales or consignment of puppies or adult dogs to pet shops, dealers, catalog houses or other commercial establishments, nor will puppies or dogs be donated or given as prizes in contests, raffles, or fund-raising events.



Bitch Owner Responsibilities:

Anyone breeding his or her bitch bears a general responsibility to the future of the breed.  Therefore, a breeder shall plan each breeding with the paramount intention of advancing and protecting the breed, and only when they are in a position to give proper care to both bitch and offspring.  

A responsible breeder will observe the following:

  1. Not breed a bitch prior to her second heat cycle.  A bitch will not produce three consecutive litters.  A veterinary consultation will be obtained before breeding a bitch over 5 years of age. 

  2. Not allow a puppy to leave for its new home before the age of 8 weeks.

  3. To honestly and fairly inform the owner of the stud dog or bitch, as well as all buyers of puppies, of all the known or suspected medical conditions or health issues of parents and puppies.

  4. To sell pet puppies on spay/neuter contracts and support the use of limited AKC registration on all Bulldog puppies and/or adults sold to pet homes.

  5. To provide documentation of at least one veterinarian wellness exam and that the puppy will be current on vaccinations appropriate for its age.


Stud Dog Owner Responsibilities:

  1. A responsible stud dog owner will refuse stud service to bitches not registered with the AKC or a registry recognized by the AKC, and any bitch considered to be in poor health, physically or mentally unsound, of inappropriate breeding age or lacking in the breed characteristics.

  2. To honestly and fairly inform the owner of the bitch, as well as all buyers of puppies, of all the known or suspected medical conditions or health issues of stud dog.


Participants in the Breeder Referral Program are encouraged to:

  1. Perform health screenings that include (but are not limited to) trachea, patella and cardiac.  Efforts should be made to submit all health tests performed to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for inclusion in their database.

  2. Microchip all puppies before placement.

  3. Participate in AKC conformation events.

  4. Provide puppies’ new owners with no less than a 3-generation pedigree, plus AKC registration papers.

  5. Request buyers take puppies to a veterinarian within 10 days of receipt, and if a pup is deemed unhealthy by the veterinarian, offer the buyers a full refund of the purchase price, or another puppy. (All associated costs to be paid by the buyer.)

  6. Place puppies and adults placed in pet homes with AKC limited registration and encourage new owners to have their pets spayed or neutered at the appropriate age.

  7. Utilize written agreements, clearly stating the conditions and terms of service, including, but not limited to, stud services and puppy or adult sales.


 A breeder’s signed (yearly) agreement to these guidelines, along with SPMBC board approval, places them on the St. Paul Minneapolis Bulldog Club Breeder Referral; providing prospective buyers of purebred Bulldogs a referral list of responsible, local breeders.  To participate, the breeder must be an active, attending SPMBC member.  Failure to adhere to the practices specified may result in the removal from the Breeder Referral Program.  The Board reserves the right to terminate the breeder referral if unethical breeding practices are found; or if SPMBC membership is no longer active.


__________________________________                      ____________________________                                            _________________

Member Signature                                                              Received by SPMBC Board                                                            Date


Reminder of the Club’s Puppy Selling Guidelines:  The selling of puppies is not permitted at club meetings or club events, no exceptions. Instead, please invite interested parties to your home where you can privately discuss your purchase policies and puppy availability.  The SPMBC board will be taking a firm stand on this policy.  Failure to adhere to this policy may result in disciplinary action.


Return to:  Club Secretary, Rita Guthmiller, 611 Geranium Ave E, St. Paul, MN 55130


Disclaimer:  The St. Paul-Minneapolis Bulldog Club as a voluntary non-profit association provides the breeder list as a service to breeders and buyers, and accepts no liability for the health, temperament, incidents related to, or any other aspect of any dog sold by a breeder participant.


The St. Paul - Minneapolis Bulldog Club is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.




© 2003-2022 by St. Paul Minneapolis Bulldog Club. All rights reserved.

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